FCB offers a wide variety of services to provide our customers with utmost convenience. Please click on any of the services below to see how we can assist you.
Automated Teller Machines
Electronic Fund Transfer/Point-of-Sale
Bills Payment
Payroll Servicing
Safe Deposit Box
Local Remittance Program
Foreign Exchange
Manager's Check
Collection Services
International Remittance Program
Foreign Exchange
With our locations in growth centers and the countryside, there is no need for you to go to money changers. You can exchange your U.S. dollars at any of our Branch.
Automated Teller Machines
All FCB branches are equipped with ATMs, that enable our customers to perform basic banking activities like checking one?s account balance, withdrawing funds, and transmitting funds even when the bank is closed. FCB PITAKArd Automated Teller Machines
Electronic Fund Transfer/Point-of-Sale
To make it easy for our customers, the bank has EFT/POS terminals at our partner merchants and establishments where our customers can pay for goods and services using PITAKArds.
Payroll Servicing
The bank extends services to Local Government Units and companies in dispensing salaries, wages, and bonuses of their personnel. Login
Bills Payment
Our branches accept bills payment for our partner establishments. Please contact the Branch nearest you for more information.
Collection Services
SSS Collection Service and Pensioners Remittance Program

With branches located nationwide in growth centers and the countryside, it is easier for members of the Social Security System to pay their monthly premiums through FCB. FCB also accepts monthly remittance of SSS pensions to pensioners.

Please inquire at the Branch closest to you for any other collection services available.
SSS Pensioners Remittance Program

FCB accepts monthly remittance of SSS pensions to its pensioners.
International Remittance Program
FCB accepts international fund transfers from international banks and other international remittance companies.
Local Remittance Program
FCB processes fund transfers to and from Philippine Banks and other companies.

Fees on Electronic Payments
Safe Deposit Box
Our bank provides safe deposit boxes for lease. Our customers can store their important documents, jewelries, and other valuable items for safekeeping. These safe deposit boxes are available only in selected branches. Please inquire at the Branch nearest you.
Manager Checks
Customers can purchase manager?s checks at any FCB branch. A Manager's Check is a check issued by the bank whereby FCB guarantees that funds are available upon presentation. The check is a direct obligation of the bank.
Cash Transfer
For more information, please call the Branch nearest you.
Statements and Reports Login

FCB accepts fund transfer through PESONet.
Enjoy the convenience and safety in sending/
receiving money to and from other banks.

Concerns regarding PESONet transactions
shall be acted upon within 7 banking days.
